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Meet Kaylynn Schrandt: Texas Strong Woman of the Month

February’s Texas Strong Woman of the Month is my local pal–biological and adoptive momma, social worker, and essential oils maven, Kaylynn Schrandt.

Meet Kaylynn Schrandt

Originally an Amarillo girl, Kaylynn relocated to central Texas for college, ultimately earning her master’s degree in social work at the University of Texas, and now lives in Buda with her husband Aaron and their three beautiful children.

In addition to her career in social work, she also educates, equips and encourages essential oils users alongside her friend Kasey Lewis in their partnership as the AromaGirls. Since meeting Kaylynn through our love of oils almost three years ago, I have been blessed immensely by her optimism, generosity and kindness.

kaylynn schrandt texasstrong

Texas Strong Woman of the Month

Favorite title(s) for yourself

My favorite titles for myself are “Dr. Mom,” “Momma,” “Mommy,” “Friend,” and “AromaGirl.”

Your toughest lesson or challenge

I feel like it was God who led me to the field of social work, as it was not really the direction I desired to go.

My plan wasn’t His plan, which is how it works out most of the time! Social work is challenging, but it sure has its rewards. I feel the biggest challenge with any helping profession is compassion fatigue. I feel others’ pain–their hurt, their loss, their worry, their anger. And many times, it’s hard to shake and not personally take on the mental, physical, or emotional struggles that I encounter, not just with patients and clients I’ve had but with friends and family members, as well.

But…there’s an oil for that!

In AromaGirl world, I feel the biggest challenge has been finding balance in everything. Really, I think finding balance with life in general is tough! Helping essential oil users to get the most out of their oils while helping others to build their businesses can be a full-time job. But it’s my passion, and I love what I do. AND I get to use my social work and mental health experience all at the same time!

Kaylynn with her three children

Your proudest accomplishment

Being the first in my family to obtain a master’s degree was a great accomplishment, but becoming a mommy both biologically and through adoption is what makes my heart most happy.

Your role models or mentors

My role models are Jesus Christ Himself, my mom, my late grandparents, and Napoleon Dynamite, of course!

kaylynn schrandt aromagirls
The AromaGirls Kasey Lewis and Kaylynn Schrandt

Your best advice for newbies

People can get really overwhelmed in the big world of essential oils. There is so much to learn and always something new!

My best advice for when someone starts using their oils is to not be afraid to use them–respect those powerful little gifts from the Earth, but use them! Just open the bottle and smell them. Aromatherapy is a beautiful and real thing with phenomenal benefits.

And you just need to know the basics! No one person can know everything there is to know about essential oils.

How you’re building community

I love meeting new people. I love people–most all of them really, and if I don’t, I try to find something to like about them! I love helping others, whether it’s a neighbor that I already know or someone I’ve never met. It’s what drives me; it’s my love language. I feel that, in itself, builds community–just having the desire and heart to help others and letting God guide you while looking for opportunities to be His hands, feet, mouth, and ears.

With building community in AromaGirl world, I just share oils when I see someone who has a need–I feel guilty if I don’t!

I know they work; I know they heal. I love to teach others about their benefits and uses while showing that there are other ways to support our bodies–both mentally and physically–without putting so many chemicals and synthetic substances in our bodies.

Kaylynn Schrandt adoption
Kaylynn with her adopted daughter

Quote or verse you live by

Since I was little, I have always strived to “do unto others, as I would have them do unto me.” I know I fall short of this just about every day, but it’s a good one to live by, and I teach this with my children as well.

Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.

Romans 12:10

Favorite nonprofits you support

Foster care/adoption is my heart. There are so, so many children who need a forever home and don’t deserve to be in the situations they are in–in our own backyards, and internationally, as well.

My favorite nonprofits are Fostering Hope Austin, Help One Now and Foster Village.

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