new mom survival guide

New Mom Survival Guide: Guest Post at Beauty in the Mess

I’m thrilled to be guest posting today on my For the Love launch team kindred spirit, Whitney’s gorgeous blog, Beauty in the Mess. Whitney turned out to be my secret mug swap buddy, and I’m super excited that I get to meet her in person next Friday when 200+ launch team ladies descend on Austin!

new mom survival guide
photo credit: Amber Snow Photography

New Mom Survival Guide

Being a new mom was tough.

It was exhausting both physically and emotionally, thanks to the trauma of childbirth, fluctuating hormones and constant feedings.  There is nothing quite like being thrown into a brand-new, full-time job with very little training and no compensation.

In fact, I dreaded going through it all over again with Baby Girl #2.

But my prayers were answered, and having a baby the second time around was so much easier!  This time, I was prepared.

I knew generally what to expect, was part of a supportive community of moms and had the supplies and resources I knew I would need.

new mom survival guide

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