Why Each Magical Christmas without My Mom Feels a Little More Difficult

Why Each Magical Christmas without My Mom Feels a Little More Difficult

Each Christmas without my mom feels a little more difficult. She is missing out on so many holiday memories with my daughters. Why each magical Christmas without my mom feels a little more difficult My mother will never experience a magical Christmas with my kids. She will never experience Santa photos with my daughters. She…

why we should talk about miscarriage
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Why We Should Talk About Miscarriage (and How ‘Loved Baby’ Helps)

It’s now been over a decade (and two daughters) since our miscarriage. My pregnancy loss was the first really difficult thing (besides my mom’s early onset Alzheimer’s diagnosis) that I experienced without her support. Yet, it made me feel closer to her because I knew she had walked that path. Not only did she have…

Grief feels a lot like panic birthday cards

Sometimes, Grief Feels A Lot Like Panic after Losing My Mother

Sometimes, grief feels a lot like panic. While buying birthday cards at Walmart a few years ago, I caught sight of these floral Mom and Grandma cards. I instinctively wanted to reach out and grab the teal card with the antique-style, delicate pink rose for my grandmother. But a feeling of panic stopped me in…