dear mom
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“Dear Mom” Letters: Accepting Aubrey

This is a big day.
It’s my first time ever to host a guest post! And starting today, I’m also meeting, in person for the first time, some of my For the Love launch team sisters, who are taking over the ATX to party with New York Times bestselling author Jen Hatmaker in her backyard this weekend.  Eek!
dear mom

“Dear Mom” letters guest post series

Since my “Dear Mom” letters have sort of been the focal point of my blog since my mother’s passing, I thought it would be fitting to ask some of my FTL buddies to share their own letters to their mommas, living or deceased.  
The lovely Aubrey Stout was my first volunteer.  I have so enjoyed getting to know her through social media, and I cannot wait to hug her neck this weekend!  

Dear Mom,

I will keep this short.
Please hear me, please hear my plea.
I do not harbor ill feelings of your past failures.
Failures you are having a hard time letting go of.
Failures that are some how interfering with our relationship.
You are my mom.
The only thing I know how to do, is love you.

Dear Mom,

I will keep this short.
Please hear me, please hear my plea.
I forgive you.
I forgive you for anything that you feel went wrong.
I forgive you for anything I expected of you that you were not able to give.
You are my mom.
The only thing I know how to do, is love you.

Dear Mom,

I will keep this short.
Please hear me, please hear my plea.
I cannot change how you feel about your failures.
I can only change how I feel about your failures.
I choose to forgive, but not forget.
Not so I can hold it against you, but so that I learn from it.
You are my mom.
The only thing I know how to do, is love you.

Dear Mom,

I will keep this short.
Please hear me, please hear my plea.
I choose to change.
I choose to let the difficult–change me.
I think it has changed me for the better.
You are my mom.
The only thing I know how to do, is love you.

Dear Mom,

I will keep this short.
Please hear me, please hear my plea.
Forgive me.
Forgive me, where I have hurt you.
Forgive me, where I have failed with you.
Forgive me, where I am not giving you what you need.
Forgive me for not telling you sooner.
I am your daughter.
I know, all you know how to do, is love me.
Let us choose to change.
Let us choose to let the difficult–change us.
I think it will change us for the better.
We are mother/daughter.
The only thing we know how to do, is love each other.



dear mom accepting aubrey

Aubrey Stout at Accepting Aubrey

Aubrey Stout is a 30-something wife and mom in Georgia. Every day, she works on loving who she is and blogs about her journey at Accepting Aubrey.

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