Texas Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Motherhood and Parenting

Meet Christian Wells: Texas Strong Woman of the Month

I am pleased to introduce you to August’s Texas Strong woman of the month and one of my favorite mentors in the nonprofit world, Christian Wells.

Meet Christian Wells

Christian is the president of Alzheimer’s Texas, an organization close to my heart that has supported my family over the last decade, through my mother’s illness and beyond.

An Austin High and University of Texas graduate (but this Aggie won’t hold it against her!), Christian still lives in her hometown of Austin, with her husband and their son. She is a dedicated advocate for central Texas dementia patients, families and caregivers.

Christian Wells

Texas Strong Woman of the Month

Favorite title(s) for yourself

My favorite titles are ‘Mom,’ ‘Wife,’ ‘Domestic Goddess,’ and ‘Chief Family Officer.’

Your toughest lesson or challenge

Our sweet son was born 10 weeks early.

It’s been several years now, however, I remember it and the challenges that followed like it was yesterday. He stayed in the NICU for 46 days. It was a time full of stress, worry, beauty, grace, prayer, and courage.

Although it was one of the hardest things my husband and I have ever experienced, we came out on the other side of it stronger.

Christian with her son

Your proudest accomplishment

I’m most proud of my family.

My husband and I have been together for 16 years. We still share a passionate commitment to our relationship, even after all this time.

My son is the apple of my eye. He’s turning out to be such an amazing kid. He’s smart and funny, has a passion for life and treats others kindly. He truly is a gift from God. Both of my boys are.

Your role models or mentors

My predecessor and mentor at work is by far my greatest professional role model.

I also had an amazing 5th grade teacher who taught me about self respect and dignity and 7th grade teacher who helped me gain perspective during difficult middle school years.

I really admire any woman who is making this crazy life work. They are all an inspiration to me.

Your best advice for newbies

Have realistic expectations of what is possible.

I used to believe that if my sink had dirty dishes I had failed as a mother or that if I didn’t complete a work project on time that I had failed professionally. Give yourself grace. Life is tough so just do the best you can.

Alzheimer’s Texas (formerly Alzheimer’s Association Capital of Texas Chapter) President Christian Wells with neurologist Ronald DeVere, M.D. at the annual Memory Walk

How you’re building community

Due to my work at a nonprofit, my professional life is focused on building community around those who are touched by Alzheimer’s and their families. My work is fulfilling due to the fact that I can see the positive effects of our efforts daily.

I also build community through my personal life. I’ve been a member of the Women’s Symphony League of Austin for 8 years, enjoy outreach ministries offered through my church and love volunteering at my son’s school.

I like teaching my son how important it is to give back and take care of others. I work hard to stay connected to family and friends.

Favorite quote or verse you live by

“Never give up.”

Christian Wells with her husband at a DKR Fund event

Nonprofits you support

I support Alzheimer’s Texas, Women’s Symphony League of Austin, Susan G. Komen Austin, Bannockburn Christian Academy and the Darrel K Royal Research Fund for Alzheimer’s Disease (DKR Fund).

Join Us in the 2016 Alzheimer’s Texas Walk

This will be Team Dixie’s 10th year to participate in a central Texas Alzheimer’s Walk.

Since its recent break with the national Alzheimer’s Association, all funds raised for research, education and caregiver support through Alzheimer’s Texas stay right here in Texas:

“Alzheimer’s Texas* provides information, referrals, and a variety of support programs for those with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias, and their family members, caregivers and professionals. Alzheimer’s Texas* has proudly served Central Texas since 1982.

*f/k/a Alzheimer’s Association Capital of Texas Chapter”

You can support Alzheimer’s Texas by signing up to walk in one of this year’s central Texas Alzheimer’s Walks, or by ordering a blue #TexasStrong necklace, with all proceeds benefiting Alzheimer’s Texas.

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