Meet Kadi Stunz: Texas Strong Woman of the Month
This month’s lovely, fierce and talented Texas Strong Woman of the Month is wife, photographer, and mental health warrior Kadi Stunz.
Meet Kadi Stunz
Originally from Lubbock, Kadi currently lives in McKinney with her husband Jakeb. She is the owner of Kadi Dawn Photography and founder of Of Lions & Lace, a faith-based community for women struggling with anxiety and depression. I know Kadi through her amazing mother-in-law, who is a mentor of sorts for me–Andrea Stunz.

Texas Strong Woman of the Month
Favorite title(s) for yourself
My husband and I have been married for a little over two years now, but I still get butterflies when I hear “Mrs. Kadi Stunz.” Every time I think, “How cool is that? I get to be married!” It sounds silly, but the excitement in the name change hasn’t faded just quite yet.
In college, a lot of my friends called me “Kadi Dawn.” (Dawn is my middle name.) It was very rare that a classmate or professor would just call me Kadi. So that one is definitely a favorite as well.
Your toughest lesson or challenge
Approval has been the hardest, most consistent battle in my life.
A big part of my story is my ongoing struggle with depression.
My depression is often triggered by my need for acceptance and to be constantly reassured in who I am and what I’m doing. This has been so hard on my marriage. SO. HARD.
As you can probably guess, my main desire for approval is aimed towards my husband, and I’m slowly learning that he can’t carry that. He wasn’t made to carry the weight of my identity. So that’s been a really tough path and a constant struggle. Minute by minute, I have to be on guard with where my thoughts are heading. I’m having to teach myself that when those tempting thoughts arise, I must turn my eyes back to Jesus for reassurance.
It’s exhausting work at times, but the growth is so rewarding.

Your proudest accomplishment
My proudest accomplishment would probably have to piggyback off of my toughest lesson.
My battle with depression and mental illness has been the hardest thing I’ve ever had to fight against. So when I can recognize true victories in the midst of that, I feel more proud of myself than in any other situation.
Your role models or mentors
Goodness, I am so blessed to be surrounded by many incredible women in my current season of life. There is a lady at my church named Joy that I have grown to really admire and respect. I would say she is near the top of my list of mentors.
Other role models would be Jamie Ivey (I am in LOVE with her Happy Hour podcast) and Jon Foreman. He’s a songwriter that leaves me in awe with his lyrics. His words are continually inspiring me.

Your best advice for newbies
As a believer, success is obedience.
It is so tempting to fall into thoughts of comparison or things like, “I’ll only be successful if I have as many followers as her.” I do this subconsciously ALL. THE. TIME.
But Jesus didn’t call me to become famous or even to have an impact (because that’s HIS job). He called me to be obedient. So as long as I’m doing what I feel like He has called me to do, I will consider myself a success.
How you’re building community
These past two years, I have discovered the significance of community. It is SO crucial in our lives.
Depression caused me to isolate and to push people away. As I’ve grown in managing my mental health, I’ve made sure to stay active in our church. I look for ways to volunteer, I make Sunday attendance and small group attendance a priority, and I don’t shy away from asking ladies out for coffee.
A lot of us are waiting to be pursued.
I am one of those, as well. It takes a lot of courage to be the pursuer, but I really believe that Jesus honors and blesses it when we take that initiative.
I’ll also add that, in these relationships, I try to be vulnerable. True community goes deeper than the surface, and once you’re willing to open up, others will usually follow. It’s a beautiful thing when that happens.

Quote or verse you live by
Lately, my life verse been 1 Corinthians 6:11-13, specifically verse 12.
Paul is talking about the danger in overindulgence even on things that are lawful. The part that says, “I will not be dominated by anything,” rings in my head over and over. When I sin, it is because I have been dominated by something other than Jesus Christ. This has been a really helpful reminder in my thought life.
When my mind and thoughts are overtaking me, I say strongly, “No. I will not be dominated by this.” It reminds me to fight for what is truly good.
Favorite nonprofits you support
My husband works for a nonprofit called RightNow Media. We support and back everything that ministry does. It’s kind of like a Netflix but for Christian resources. It’s wonderful!
My friends here in McKinney have also just started up a nonprofit called McKinney Roots. Their goal is to supply the food pantries of McKinney and surrounding areas with local and naturally grown produce.
My heart is full. Mom pride is running strong right now. I sure do love these two kids and am so proud of their hard work and how they shine for Jesus. Their commitment to each other and their faith makes them Texas strong!