Why Permission to Grow Is Permission to Be Present in the Here and Now
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Why Permission to Grow Is Permission to Be Present in the Here and Now

When I was a teenager, I loved rearranging the furniture in my room. I rarely asked for help and would muster all of the strength in my tiny, adolescent body to push my loaded bookcase across that hardwood floor. Occasionally, I would end up hurting myself and wishing that I had asked my parents or my…

permission to grow
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Permission to Grow: Healing Opens the Door for Growth

The final guest post in this summer’s “Permission to Grow” series is written by my beautiful friend and fellow Austinite, Jamie Kingsley, who invites us to just say “YES.” Permission to Grow Healing opens the door for growth Looking back, I refer to my 20’s as “The Dark Years.” Deeply wounded, I continued to make decisions…

permission to grow
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Permission to Grow: Helping My Best Get Better

This week’s “Permission to Grow” guest post comes from my For the Love launch team sister and Californian, Robin Lee, who shows us that even if we are messy, we are a masterpiece and work in progress, constantly made better by the painter, our Creator. Permission to grow Helping my best get better My friend’s heart was broken….

permission to grow

Permission to Grow: How We Grow When Growing Is Just Plain Hard by Helen Kerr

Today’s “Permission to Grow” contribution comes from Helen Kerr, an English teacher in Scotland, of all places. (And, yes, I did Americanize her British spellings of words. I am, after all, a Texan, even if I do have English and Scottish roots.) Her guest post originally appeared at my friend Andrea Stunz’s blog, Empty Plate.Full Heart, and they…

permission to grow
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Permission to Grow: How to Bloom in the Dark by Deidre Price

My talented writer and editor friend, Deidre Price, sent me this raw, honest guest post this week. It arrived at just the right time. Her beautiful submission for this month’s “Permission to Grow” series, about recovering from her father’s death, deeply touched my wounded heart. I am living in survival mode after losing my maternal grandfather somewhat unexpectedly on…