grief does not make me uncomfortable

Your Grief Does Not Make Me Uncomfortable because I’ve Been There, Too

Your grief does not make me uncomfortable.

I won’t try to fix your grief.

I won’t tell you platitudes like, “They’re in a better place,” or, “At least you had x amount of time with them.”

I won’t dismiss or invalidate your feelings.

I won’t tell you not to cry.

I won’t tell you that I know exactly how you feel, because each loss is unique.

grief does not make me uncomfortable

Your grief does not make me uncomfortable, because I’ve been there, too.

I won’t expect you to move on or get over it, because there is no timeline for grief.

I will sit next to you.

But I will sit next to you.

I will bring you dinner.

I will talk about them.

I will ask you about your loved one.

I will look at pictures of them with you.

I will bring you gifts on special dates.

I will check on you with a phone call or a text.

I will try to make you laugh with a funny story about your loved one.

I will remind you that they are always a part of you.

I will remind you that you are their legacy.

And I will tell you that they live on, because they are always a part of you.

I see your heartache.

Your grief does not make me uncomfortable, because I’ve been there, too.

I see your heartache.

I’m still walking down this road, too.

Sweet Grandma book

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