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Book Review: Forgiveness – Unforgiveness by Dallas Author Erin Olson

A few weeks ago, I received a free copy of a new Bible study from Erin Olson, Forgiveness – Unforgiveness: Revealed Through Your Fruits.

Erin lives in Dallas with her husband and their three children and blogs at Sandalfeet Ministries. Forgiveness – Unforgiveness is her first published book.  I’m so excited to help her launch this beautiful study.

Disclaimer: Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the author. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."

Forgiveness – Unforgiveness: Revealed Through Your Fruits by Erin Olson

Through her Forgiveness – Unforgiveness study, Erin leads us to examine the ways in which the nine fruits of the Spirit are currently manifesting (or not) in our lives.  She believes that unforgiveness hinders the Holy Spirit’s transforming work in us.

Those hurts, if not dealt with properly, can turn to anger, hate, and bitterness. Those small pebbles of emotions can build up and turn into large boulders in our souls that can render the Holy Spirit ineffective in our lives. – Erin Olson

Honestly, I expected this book to dig up some remaining bitterness about past hurts in my relationship with my dad. But, instead, it resulted in digging up some other bitterness I had hidden away, bitterness that affects every other relationship in my life.

This study revealed anger and unforgiveness with myself and with God.

Angry with myself

I am a perfectionist.  I struggle to let things go. And I struggle to forgive myself for past sins. Even though God has already forgiven me through the sacrifice of His Son.

I was disloyal to God because I disbelieved that He could love a sinner like me. The choices of my sin were nothing compared to the fact that I failed to acknowledge the gift that He was so desperately trying to give me. – Erin Olson

When I doubt that I am truly “forgiven” and blameless, I doubt God’s goodness and faithfulness.

Angry with my Creator

While I know and take comfort in the message of Romans 8:28, Erin’s study made me recognize the unresolved bitterness in my heart against God. Sometimes, I question the necessity of the magnitude of my grief and loss.  I can pretend that it is just generalized anger about my situation. Yet, in the reality of my faith, it’s anger with my Creator.

Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose.” This verse does not mean that only good things will happen to people. It does not mean that everything makes sense to us or works out the way we think is good. No, it means that good is what is good according to God. – Erin Olson

Rejoice in suffering

We are called to “rejoice in suffering.” But how much suffering do I really need to endure in my young adult life, God?

Did I really need to watch my mom suffer with early onset Alzheimer’s disease for the bulk of my twenties? Did I really need to lose my stepmom to colon cancer just a year and half after I lost my mom?

We need to be okay with what God allows and what He disallows. It may not seem as though we need to forgive God (because seriously, He is the Creator of all things), but we need to be willing to say, “God I am okay with what transpired. I need to let it go.” – Erin Olson

Most of the time, I try to count my blessings and practice gratitude.  Sometimes, though, I find myself stuck in a pity party. I wonder why so many bad things have happened to those I love.  And I wonder why I’m left picking up the pieces and looking for the good.

But as Erin reminds us, “good is what is good according to God.”

We forget the big picture.  We forget the immensity of His plan and goodness and get stuck in the details.  And we focus on the here and now pain and stress.

How arrogant we are to continually think we know better than God!

Finding freedom in forgiveness

There is so much freedom in letting go of bitterness and anger against ourselves, our God and other people.

Whatever the Lord is calling you to do, do it today. Claim the goodness that He has stored up for you and so badly wants to give to you. – Erin Olson

Erin, thank you so much for blessing me with this study.  I pray that it sets many other readers free in God’s perfect forgiveness.

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