Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Faith Marriage Motherhood and Parenting Texas

Five Perks of Being Over 30

I am 31 years old.

Somehow, turning 31 in April felt much more difficult than turning 30 the year before but I’ve found that there’s beauty in this age.

I’m old enough to know who and whose I am, what I want and what I don’t want, yet I’m young enough to know what I need to change.

Perks of being over 30

I know who I am.

I’m a wife, a mom to two precious and precocious preschoolers and an Alzheimer’s daughter. I’m a friend, a sister and a cheerleader of sorts.

I’m a writer, a designer, a fundraiser, a cause-conscious trendsetter, a native Texan and an activist for hope and health.

I know whose I am.

More than anything, I am a child of God, created in His own image, deeply loved, known and valued. I’ve finally found my confidence, self worth and identity in Him.

I know what I want.

I want more encouragement, kindness and compassion. I want more honesty, gratitude and generosity. I want to live in authentic community, with people who are loving one another well.

I want to write. I want to create. I want to make a difference. I want to be real and vulnerable but brave and faithful at the same time.

I know what I don’t want.

I don’t want more competition, comparison and gossip. I don’t want more dishonesty and hypocrisy.

I don’t want to waste any more time and resources. I don’t want to miss any more opportunities to step out of my comfort zone to serve and grow.

I know what I need to change.

I’m still learning how to relax and be present. My yoga instructor and massage therapist are helping me learn to deal with stress in a healthy way, something I never grasped in my teens or 20s.

I am a recovering perfectionist, know-it-all and control freak. I’m learning to let things be “good enough,” to borrow a phrase from Jen Hatmaker’s For the Love, to practice more grace and patience with myself and others.

I’m learning to forgive and set healthy boundaries. I’m learning when to ask for help.

I’m learning to do more listening and less talking, more embracing and less confronting. I’m learning to “live small,” to borrow another Jen Hatmaker-ism, in humility.

I’m learning to do more praying and less worrying, more living in the moment.

More trusting and relying on Him.

Want more perks of being a certain age? Check out our #FridayFive linkup here.



3 replies on “Five Perks of Being Over 30”

You are 7 years ahead of me, friend. I am just now figuring all of that out. Community, authenticity, purpose. You are rocking 31! Thanks for linking up! #FridayFive

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