
Do You Have What It Takes to Be a #texasstrong Woman?

I’m launching a brand-new series next week–the 2016 #texasstrong Woman Purpose + Passion Project.

Each month, I’ll interview a different #texasstrong woman who is living out her purpose + passion, who is serving and inspiring others, who is leading her tribe and running her race.

texasstrong woman

Do you have what it takes to be a Texas Strong woman?

These #texasstrong women have diverse personalities, hobbies and job descriptions–they are athletes, business owners, teachers, wives, moms, nurses and nonprofit directors.

And, no matter what “job” they do everyday, every #texasstrong woman is…


She is in it for the long haul, willing to do hard work to achieve her goals. She doesn’t balk at temporary setbacks. She sees ideas through from start to finish.


She shares her time and expertise with those around her, helping out whenever she is able. She cheers her friends and peers on in their own endeavors, knowing that we are stronger together.


She is truthful about both her successes and her failures. She is not afraid to face criticism and learn from her mistakes.


She believes in her gifts and her calling. She knows that she is here for a reason, that her life has an impact on the world around her.


She doesn’t run from adversity. She isn’t afraid of suffering and loss. She gets back up and keeps fighting, stronger and wiser because of what she has endured.

Do these 5 adjectives describe you?

If these words describe you, rock on, sister. If you’re not sure if these words describe you, maybe these are qualities to strive for as you mature and grow.

Keep running your race. Your gifts matter, your work matters and you matter. Find what it is you love to do, and do it.

And, if you’re not from Texas, well, in the words of Lyle Lovett, “Texas wants you anyway.”

Want more adjectives? Check out our #FridayFive linkup here.

9 replies on “Do You Have What It Takes to Be a #texasstrong Woman?”

Do you have any TexasStrong tshirt campaigns currently open? Looks like all of the ones on TeeSpring have ended? I have a few friends who are interested in the flowy tanks. Thanks!

I want to be #texasstrong! You describe the 2016 Proverbs 31 woman. I look forward to meeting your #texasstrong ladies! Meanwhile, I’m aiming to be #bamastrong!

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