Grief and Mental Health

Why Birthdays Feel Different when Your Mother is Dead

Birthdays feel different when your mother is dead. No one makes you feel special the way that she did. Birthdays feel different when your mother is dead. No one starts your morning with a phone call the way that she did. And no one buys you a dozen pink roses the way that she did. […]

Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Grief and Mental Health

Why I Believe the Final Stage of Grief Lasts Forever

The final stage of grief lasts forever. My mother has been dead for 10 years. But I’ve been grieving her loss for over 15 years. My grief process started back in 2006 with my mother’s early onset Alzheimer’s diagnosis. The final stage of grief lasts forever. I will never stop grieving the loss of my […]

Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Faith Grief and Mental Health

The Expected Death of a Loved One Still Hurts Terribly

The expected death of a loved one still hurts terribly. My mother lived with early onset Alzheimer’s disease for over a decade. She lived in a nursing home with advanced dementia for almost five years. And she lived on hospice care for two years. I prepared for her death for years. I was relieved, of […]

Grief and Mental Health

45 Best Funeral Songs and Hymns to Say Goodbye to a Loved One

What are your favorite funeral songs? They can be either popular songs or church hymns, or both. I’ve planned three funerals, one for my mom and one for each of her parents. So I’ve had some time to think about this. A couple of my favorites are Alan Jackson’s version of Blessed Assurance (makes me […]

Grief and Mental Health

Your Grief Does Not Make Me Uncomfortable because I’ve Been There, Too

Your grief does not make me uncomfortable. I won’t try to fix your grief. I won’t tell you platitudes like, “They’re in a better place,” or, “At least you had x amount of time with them.” I won’t dismiss or invalidate your feelings. I won’t tell you not to cry. I won’t tell you that […]

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