Faith Grief and Mental Health

Halloween and Grief: What if We’re Really Doing Death All Wrong Now?

Halloween and grief might seem like an odd and painful combination. But what if I told you the two were actually incredibly compatible — that Halloween should encourage us to commune with the loved ones we have lost?

Grief and Mental Health

5 Tips for Getting through the First Year of Grief

The first year of grief after a loss can be the hardest. While the ache of grief never really goes away, I’ve found the pain does lessen. The fog does clear with time. During the first year of grief, you are finding your “new normal” and learning your own strength in the process. My mother […]

Grief and Mental Health

My Grandparents’ Greatest Gift to Me in 1953 Was My Mom

My mother’s parents were married on August 8, 1949. Four years later, in 1953, my mom arrived on the scene. My grandparents’ greatest gift to me in 1953 was my mom. I miss my grandparents. But I feel (and see) their presence all around me every day. So much of who I am comes from […]