Faith Motherhood and Parenting Texas

Autumn: A Time for Remembering

People who put up Christmas decorations before Halloween are not to be trusted. There is a season for spreading Yuletide cheer, and October is not it. Dates and seasons matter. There is an appointed time for everything. For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be […]

Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Motherhood and Parenting Texas

Five Favorite Fall Traditions

Today, I’m helping my For the Love launch team ladies usher in October with favorite fall traditions in our #FridayFive linkup.  I’m excited to be back in Texas this week, albeit missing the breezy weather, after a weekend away with my hubby in Boston. Fall Traditions Pigskin What’s fall without football? I mean, really. No, […]