
Texas Strong Goes Maroon for Multiple Myeloma Awareness Month

In recent years, two of my Texas Aggie friends, Carrie Giles Freeman and Megan Morley Haverland, have lost their fathers to a type of blood cancer called multiple myeloma. Prior to their parents’ battles, I had never even heard of the disease.

texasstrong maroon

Multiple Myeloma Awareness Month

A few months ago, Carrie, Megan and I decided to turn my #texasstrong shirts maroon for Multiple Myeloma Awareness Month this March, in hopes of spreading the word and supporting research for this devastating cancer.

The Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation describes how this lesser known disease destroys the body:

In multiple myeloma, malignant plasma cells accumulate in the bone marrow, crowding out the normal plasma cells that help fight infections. These malignant plasma cells then produce abnormal proteins (m protein) which may cause tumors, damage the kidneys, and impair immune system function. In some cases, the malignant cells may cause a single tumor, called a solitary plasmacytoma, but if multiple tumors are formed, then the disease is called multiple myeloma.

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Carrie and Sarah with their dad, Mike Giles

Remembering Mike

Carrie and her sister, Sarah (also an Aggie), lost their dad, Michael Giles, in 2012, after a valiant battle against multiple myeloma. Soon after, they also lost their mom, Deborah, to a different type of blood cancer.

Mike was born in Austin, and, while he didn’t graduate from Texas A&M, he rooted for the Aggies and loved watching the Fightin’ Texas Aggie Band perform at Kyle Field. He will be remembered for his quick wit and coined phrases. Mike’s daughters miss his weather updates, his cautionary tales, his daily phone check-ins, and his free advice.

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Megan with her dad, Col. Tom Morley

Remembering Tom

Megan lost her dad, Col. Thomas V. Morley, Jr., USA (Retired), in 2013, after a valiant battle against multiple myeloma. He is buried at Arlington National Cemetery with full military honors.

Tom was a member of the Class of ’78 and reserved a special place in his heart for both Texas A&M and his hometown of Pittsburgh. Following the Aggies, Steelers, Penguins, and Pirates gave him great joy or misery, depending on the success of the season. Tom’s quick wit always kept life entertaining. Megan, her brother, Sean, and her mom, Kris, all miss him dearly.

#texasstrong goes maroon

Tees, tanks and hoodies bearing the maroon #texasstrong logo are now available, in memory of Mike and Tom. All proceeds benefit the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation in the Team for Cures Dallas 5K Walk/Run this May.