prayer shower

Waiting for Baby: Prayer Shower and Pooh Nursery

prayer showerWaiting for Baby

As we count down the days until Baby Girl’s arrival, I have been blessed with a prayer shower to calm my fears and time to put the finishing touches on her Classic Pooh nursery.

Baby Girl’s official “due date” is only 10 days away, and I have been experiencing fairly steady Braxton Hicks contractions since Tuesday.  When my obstetrician checked me that morning, I was 1.5 cm dilated and 50 percent effaced.

Everyone, including me, is on pins and needles waiting for our sweet girl’s arrival!

prayer shower

Prayer Shower

A few weeks ago, my sweet friend Meghan hosted a prayer shower for me at her home.  She asked my husband and me for specific prayer requests for our growing family, then printed each request on a separate card with a correlating Bible verse.

Guests brought diapers and wipes to restock our newborn supplies and chose prayer request cards to pray out loud as we prayed together, one at a time going around in a circle.  It was a very sweet and comforting time, being lifted up in prayer by wonderful friends.  I received some special handmade gifts for Baby Girl–a knitted blanket from my mother-in-law, a pink bunny hat with matching booties from a close friend’s mother and a carseat canopy from my friend Amanda.

Our Prayers

Below are the prayers my husband and I requested.

That I will…

  • have a smooth labor and delivery
  • have a better experience with breastfeeding and healing after labor this time
  • be patient and forgiving when I am running low on sleep

That we will…

  • stay healthy when we are running low on sleep
  • have patience and grace with one another
  • have time to spend with one another
  • have time to rest
  • have time to spend one on one with Big Girl
  • have time and energy to continue serving others
  • have financial discipline
  • have wisdom and guidance in raising daughters who love God and others well

That he will…

  • be able to balance time between work and home
  • grow as leader of the household as the household grows
  • not allow additional responsibilities to keep him from demonstrating his love for me

That our Baby Girl will always know that she is loved by God and always feel loved by her family

That our Big Girl will…

  • have a smooth transition with the new baby’s arrival and potty training, etc.
  • feel loved even when Baby Sister is taking up so much of Mommy’s time

That our daughters will…

  • desire to know God from an early age
  • have good physical health
  • have a great friendship and patience with one another as they grow older

classic pooh nursery

Classic Pooh Nursery

When I found out we were having another girl, I wanted this baby to have her own room instead of simply reusing Big Sister’s nursery.  I spent several months collecting second-hand Classic Pooh items from Ebay and local Facebook resale groups to transform our former guest bedroom into a quaint Pooh nursery.

The most difficult task was finding the right paint color.  At first, I tried to match the paint to Eeyore blue but this was a disaster, because it was too bright and clashed with the teal blue of Piglet’s sweater.  The color I finally settled on was Valspar’s “lament blue,” which is funny because the name makes me think of Eeyore.

I ordered a vinyl decal to place above her crib with this quote:

Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.

-Winnie the Pooh

I think the quote is especially appropriate since the name we’ve chosen means “petite”.  I can’t wait to hold my tiny Baby Girl in my arms!!

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