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Celebrating 2013: A Year of Blessings

Celebrating A Year of Blessings

As “Mommy” to a toddler and a newborn at the present moment, I celebrate small but wonderful blessings like a few consecutive hours of sleep, a hot shower, wearing clean clothes and eating a meal without a child in my lap on a daily basis.  This New Year’s Eve, however, I’m celebrating 2013 by claiming a few minutes to reflect on the ways God has richly blessed my family and me over the past year.

celebrating 2013

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever.

Psalm 136:1

Celebrating anniversaries

My husband and I kicked off 2013 by celebrating the anniversaries of both our marriage and our oldest daughter’s birth in January.  We marked 5 years of marriage by spending a special day together in the Texas Hill Country and commemorated our daughter’s first year of life with friends and family at a dalmatian birthday party in our home.

Celebrating eternal life

One of our most significant blessings this past year was the bittersweet passing of my mother, after watching her battle the effects of Alzheimer’s disease for more than 10 years.  My family was finally able to celebrate her life as a daughter, wife and mother through words, music and photos at her memorial service, and we found some much-needed closure in the “long goodbye” Alzheimer’s grieving progress.

My 90-year-old maternal grandfather bounced back from delirium and temporarily losing his ability to swallow after falling and breaking his neck in July.  He has continued to recover mentally and physically, although he still has to wear a neck brace to stabilize his fractured vertebra.

082413 Crested Butte

I thank my God every time I remember you.

Philipians 1:3

Celebrating marriage

My husband and I took a much-needed “baby-moon” to Colorado, in August, and stayed with my aunt, uncle and cousins at their beautiful home overlooking the town of Crested Butte.  We spent quality time together driving, exploring, dining and mountain climbing.  We took the highest ski lift up Mount Crested Butte and did a little high altitude hiking, even though I was 6 months pregnant!!  (My husband made it further up the mountain than I did.)

11Celebrating new life

We celebrated the arrival of our second daughter on Thanksgiving Eve.  She is perfect and beautiful and even looks a little like me.  I am especially grateful that childbirth and recovery have been much easier this time around, so both mom and baby are healthy and thriving!

Our almost two-year-old daughter is the sweetest big sister, always wanting to hold and talk to her tiny sister.  A little mommy in training, she loves to change her baby doll’s diaper and clothes and push her around in her doll stroller.

12Celebrating family

Last week, we spent time our sweet baby’s first Christmas by celebrating with our families all week.  We introduced her to my maternal grandparents, my husband’s maternal grandparents, his aunts and cousins, and finally, his brother, sister-in-law and nephew who were visiting from North Carolina.  Our children were showered with love and presents over and over again.

I am so grateful for our many blessings, too numerous to count.

Happy New Year!  May God bless you and yours in 2014.

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