Faith Motherhood and Parenting Texas

When Little Girls Have Big Ideas and How We Prepare Them for Leadership

I’m honored to guest post about “Big Ideas” in Claire Mummert’s #LikeaLady series at Radically Broken this week:

A lady has kind hands, kind words, big ideas, she works hard, and she trusts God.

likealady big ideas

When Little Girls Have Big Ideas

I posted a quote this week that really resonated with my female followers on Facebook:

I want every little girl who’s told she’s ‘bossy’ to be told instead she has leadership skills.

Sheryl Sandberg

While I haven’t read Sandberg’s controversial book, Lean In, her statement strikes a chord in my “bossy,” firstborn, Type A heart. As a mother of two strong-willed little girls, it causes me to stop and think about the ways that we, as a society, can either prepare or discourage women for leadership.

So often, women are taught, from a young age, not to invest in their gifts, especially if those gifts involve leadership.

Read more at Radically Broken.