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Meet Sienna Jones: Texas Strong Woman of the Month

This month’s Texas Strong Woman of the Month is quickly becoming one of Hays County’s favorite local ladies–Sienna Jones.

Meet Sienna Jones

A Buda native, Sienna is now a wife, mom of three, teacher, and highly successful business owner in her rapidly growing hometown. I first met Sienna and her sister, Amber, at a party for their custom leather accessories brand–Lavish Leathers. I was immediately captivated by their creativity, generosity, entrepreneurial spirit and passion for our community.

And, as we recently discovered, I actually grew up going to church with Sienna’s husband and her precious mother-in-law! I feel very blessed to know such amazing and kindhearted women.

Sienna Jones

Texas Strong Woman of the Month

Favorite title(s) for yourself

I have many titles that I’m proud of: wife to my greatest teammate, daughter to wonderful parents, sister to my best friends, aunt to a slew of cool kids, teacher and business owner. But my proudest is being called ‘Momma’ by three strong, courageous, and hilarious kids.

Your toughest lesson or challenge

Our family of five has faced several health challenges along the way–pediatric cancer, rare birth defects and multiple sclerosis. The biggest lesson between all of them is giving it all to God.

The power of prayer is a truly wonderful thing. All of my prayers are answered each morning when my house is filled with my three healthy and happy kids.

Sienna Jones with husband Matthew
Sienna Jones with her husband Matthew

Your proudest accomplishment

Outside of my family, my biggest accomplishment is becoming a local business owner with the creation of Lavish Leathers, a leather accessory company I share with my sister, Amber. Together, we design and create all of the the products within our brand.

We like to base our products on the belief that every woman is uniquely beautiful. She deserves to embellish that beauty with an equally unique product. Both Amber and I hope that when our customers wear their LLs they feel exactly that!

Your role models and mentors

My mom is amazing! She taught my siblings and I to be strong and creative. With a single look, she can provide me the strength I need to conquer whatever might be happening in my life. I’m thankful for my dad, as well, and for the great example of work ethic he has provided us.

Sienna Jones and her siblings

Your best advice for newbies

Don’t be hard on yourself; not everyday is going to be a success. When you wear many hats, it’s easy to feel guilty that not everything is being met to its fullest. Remember that you’re doing the best you can, and it will all eventually equal out.

How you’re building community

Having a small business allows Amber and me to be more present in our community. It gives us a larger avenue to support fundraisers for organizations that are close to us, like our local schools.

Quote or verse you live by

What good shall I do this day?

Benjamin Franklin
The Jones Crew

Favorite nonprofit you support

September is a special month for me, because it’s Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.

A week before our oldest child turned five, he was diagnosed with a very rare malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor at the base of his skull. After 19 hours in surgery, his incredible were able to completely re-sect the tumor. We then spent the the next six weeks traveling to and from M.D. Anderson in Houston for proton beam radiation therapy.

Along our journey, we worked with several different groups, including CureSearch:

CureSearch for Children’s Cancer is a national non-profit foundation that accelerates the search for cures for children’s cancer by driving innovation, transcending research barriers and solving the field’s most challenging problems.

They are the authoritative source for information about children’s cancer for families and their support systems.They also work directly with hospitals like Dell Children’s in Austin.

When my sister, Amber, and I created Lavish Leathers, one of our greatest hopes was to be able to give back to the local community. We wanted to support organizations close to our hearts.


The continued support of our community and outstanding Lavish Leathers customers has allowed us to achieve this goal! Our biggest fundraiser is happening right now during the month of September. We have created gold, Childhood Cancer Awareness-inspired earrings with 100 percent of proceeds going back to CureSearch.

Thanks to amazing doctors and groups like CureSearch, we are proud to call our son a childhood cancer survivor!! Our goal is to help CureSearch raise money for more research so that more families can say the same thing.

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  1. I love the colorful floral ones you’re wearing in the first picture!
    Say hi to Matthew from me. I was one of his Bible class teachers, and he grew up with my girls, and his mom is one of my good friends.

  2. I’m obsessed with LL’s. I have 8 pairs of earrings, 4 necklaces, one bracelet. I want many more.

  3. When I went to count them ? I see I am an addict! I own eleven pair and have my eye on more! I recently gifted my friend in Rhode Island a tassel necklace & earrings along with your website address ..Congratulations and keep up the good work!

  4. My first pair were for my daughter’s Allstars team. Red and Blue!! Then I purchased 3 more and a tassel necklace! I recently purchased the Elm Grove colors which y’all were so sweet to help me order over email!!! I have my eye on several others. ?

  5. I’m so excited to be moving to Buda in December! Such a fun and friendly community! Love your writing so much Lauren! Never had any Lavish Leathers but they’re super cute… I’d totally rock something shiny – gold even! 🙂 LOL

  6. May I first add by saying what a wonderful story – how does this momma do it all with such a courageous heart? ❤️ I buy so many LL products that I’ve lost count but I’ll surely continue to support this fellow momma – the gold ones haven’t made it to my growing collection so those are next – however, I’d most likely gift them as I have a few fellow mommas who share a similar story and would wear these earrings with pride.

  7. I currently own 14 pair…and am trying to decide which ones to get next. I think the plaid ones are screaming my name!

  8. I don’t have any yet but plan on buying gold ones today!!! The double cut navy and floral ones are to die for as well! Plus Lauren has some cobalt blue ones that are fabulous #whoamikiddingilovethemall

  9. I’ve been wanting a pair but I can’t decide on white or the floral! I love the story and have seen the business grow, I’m on a few mom sites and every mom is in support of these ladies and their business. Its really inspiring.

  10. I have 4! I am planning on buying some of the gold ones this week now though! My favorite are patterned with stripes and flowers!

  11. It’s nice supporting a local, home grown business. I currently own 8 pair of earrings and 1 necklace. My 5 year old has 4 pair! I love the different sizes and styles, easily able to go casual or dress them up. They make great gifts as well.

  12. I don’t have any! I love the floral ones you have on too. I’d also love a pair in black or a metallic.

  13. I only have 9 pairs of earrings. I need many, many more! They are beautiful and unique just like you!

  14. I don’t own any yet, but I’d love for that to change! ?
    I think for my first pair I’d like something metallic silver or gold.

  15. I just bought my first pair of LL 2 weeks ago and I am in love! I literally wear them ALL OF THE TIME. I bought the curry gold stripe and I also bought a bronze/brown color to give to my best friend- gotta share the love! Sienna- I am so impressed with everything you’ve accomplished- well done girl! You are awesome and I can’t wait to buy more LL.

  16. I have too many to count….seriously. But where do I start on sweet Sienna? She is truly a one of a kind gem. Her infectious smile and contagious laugh will brighten any room. I don’t know Amber but I can only assume she has to be pretty amazing too. Ladies – thank you for all you do to give back….always! I would probably go for some more red in my collection or something I may not normally pick out. Something a little “off the charts”!

  17. What a beautiful story. ❤️
    I love to support local businesses and I am proud of these ladies success. I have 10 pairs of LL’s. You cannot have too many! I would love a pair of yellow ones to support childhood cancer. May God continue to bless Sienna and Amber.

  18. What a beautiful feature! Thank you for sharing your story, Sienna. Since I don’t own any already, I looked on the LL website and have ? on SO many pairs of these gorgeous earrings.

  19. My favorite pair are my burnt orange LL’s that someone gave me as a gift. I am looking forward to purchasing a gold pair to support childhood cancer and many more! I love the knot ones and bracelets too!!!

  20. I have no pairs of LL, but since learning of them several months ago have decided I should probably own a pair…they look quite adorable! I think I should buy the Silver Damask.

  21. I don’t own any yet because I didn’t realize they were this affordable! I love the teal ones, but don’t think I can say no to the gold ones this month. Great work ladies!

  22. None yet because I didn’t know they were so affordable! I would be tempted with the royal blue or teal blue the cute ones in the picture and the gorgeous gold ones for charity!

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