dear mom
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“Dear Mom” Letters: Brave by Jill Richardson

The final installment in my “Dear Mom” guest post series comes from my For the Love launch team sister Jill Richardson. Dear Mom, I have two big tins of photos from when you were young. I treasure those photos. But I don’t know anything about them. So many times I wished, when I was younger and newer…

forgiveness-unforgiveness by erin olson sandalfeet

Book Review: Forgiveness – Unforgiveness by Dallas Author Erin Olson

A few weeks ago, I received a free copy of a new Bible study from Erin Olson, Forgiveness – Unforgiveness: Revealed Through Your Fruits. Erin lives in Dallas with her husband and their three children and blogs at Sandalfeet Ministries. Forgiveness – Unforgiveness is her first published book.  I’m so excited to help her launch this beautiful…

dear mom
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“Dear Mom” Letters: Empty Plate Full Heart by Andrea Stunz

This week’s “Dear Mom” letter comes from the dear lady I like to think of as my For the Love momma, Andrea Stunz. Andrea shared my #texasstrong fundraiser in the Facebook group for our launch team weeks before she or I ever knew I was a part of it. She’s also the one who finally got me…